i più belli e durevoli giardini verticali vivi per interno ed esterno


Years of activity


Countries served


Giardini installati


m² installed


Plants used


Il giardino verticale vivo

Sundar Italia progetta e realizza Giardini Verticali e Quadri Vegetali vivi per interni ed esterni.
Un sistema modulare di pannelli pre-piantumati in azienda che riduce all’osso i tempi di installazione, contenendo i costi.


Vertical greenery for every location

It doesn't matter if it's to embellish the living room, the entrance of the company's headquarters or to attract more customers inside a shop or a restaurant. The Vertical Garden is a "green" solution suitable for all contexts, both indoor and outdoor.

Scegli la Parete Vegetale più adatta al tuo progetto


Reasons to choose our living wall

We base our standards on the parameters of durability and reliability in order to make the best possible product. This means a significant investment in both product development and in the continuous quest for the best quality. 


Thicker, more luxuriant

Sundar Italia’s living walls are designed to hold more plants; in some cases, up to 80-90 plants per square meter, compared to a maximum of 40-50 plants that a traditional planted wall holds. Esthetically speaking, this means a thicker, more beautiful and more luxuriant Living wall.


Botanical compositions that are unique and reliable

In botanical terms, successfully combining different types of plants that can thrive close to one another is not an easy task. Over the years, Sundar has invested a great deal of energy in identifying botanical compositions that are both beautiful and durable over time, even when local climate conditions change, both indoors and out. Using this experience, we have created gardens that are increasingly richer in terms of plant varieties and colors while, at the same time, guaranteeing the stability and durability of our botanical compositions.


Peace of mind first and foremost

Sundar’s living walls are designed to be completely independent. Every garden has a system that automatically controls fertilization/irrigation cycles and lighting. The system is connected via Wi-Fi to our Garden Control Network and keeps us updated in real time about possible problems that could alter the health of the plants. Monitoring includes air humidity and temperature, fertilization and irrigation flow, electrical and water systems and the wireless connection.


Pareti vegetali in vista

Una piccola selezione di pareti vegetali che riteniamo meritevoli per caratteristiche progettuali, estetiche o di particolarità del contesto d’inserimento. Trova il Giardino Verticale che più ti piace o che più si avvicina alla tua idea di integrazione del verde. Se desideri invece dare un’occhiata ad una selezione dei nostri progetti consulta la pagina dedicata.

Scopri le nostre pareti vegetali e lasciati ispirare


Vertical FAQ

Alcune risposte alle domande più frequenti.

  • None. The terms Vertical Garden, living wall and plant wall are all commonly used to refer to the same type of product: a wall-anchored structure that serves both esthetic and functional purposes, suitable to hosting a variety of living vegetation, with either a manual or automatic irrigation system. The amount of coverage offered by the vegetation depends both on the type of plants and the technique used to create the living wall.

  • Here at Sundar, we use a technique similar to the one that the French master Patrick Blanc began to propose in the mid-1980s. Different kinds of felt are applied to FOREX panels to mold pocket containers. The plants are planted in these pockets and irrigated automatically, using hydroculture technology.

  • Unfortunately, it’s impossible to quote a precise price per square meter because every design is different and every living wall is built with different characteristics. The price per square meter depends on a variety of factors, including the size and shape of the living wall, the type of plants used, the choice of finishes used on the visible parts of the structure and others. To have a realistic cost estimate, please contact us directly.

  • Per avere una parete verde perfetta sono mediamente necessari 1-2 interventi di mantenimento all’anno. Il numero di piante deperite da sostituire durante ciascun intervento si attesta attorno al 3-5% del totale piantumato e può variare da contesto a conteso a seconda di diverse variabili quali temperature e umidità dell’ambiente in cui il muro vegetale è inserito.

  • Theoretically, a gardener or any person with a bit of a “green thumb” can maintain the living wall. That said, however, there are some operations and interventions that should be entrusted to someone with specialized expert skills. In order to satisfy these needs, we offer an efficient after-installation maintenance service, on either a single fee or flat fee basis.

  • Our experience and expertise in living walls. Living walls are the “only” thing Sundar Italia has been making for the last 11 years. Putting yourself in our hands means being able to count on living wall specialists who leave nothing to chance and who guarantee clients a quick and efficient response to their needs both before and after sales.

  • Sundar Italia headquarters is in the Province of Vicenza, but the company is structured in a way that allows us to operate at the national and international level, both for the installation of living walls and for subsequent plant maintenance.


Per un mondo più verde

Oltrepassiamo i confini nazionali per portare il nostro verde nel mondo.


Sundar Italia installa giardini in diversi Paesi del mondo


Aliving wall helps you live better

Healthier surroundings, energy savings and a general increase in wellbeing