the range of benefits a living wall offers


In collaboration with the CNR (National Center for Research)

Project I-ZEB. Toward Smart Zero Energy Buildings

Over the years, Sundar Italia has partnered with a number of universities in a variety of research projects. One of the projects we’re most proud of is the Project I-ZEB - Toward Smart Zero Energy Buildings, developed by the National Center of Research’s Institute of Construction Technologies, in collaboration with the Lombardy Region.

Find out more


Surroundings that are more beautiful and more comfortable


Sundar Italia works hard to improve the places where people live their daily lives - homes, restaurants and offices - filling them with beauty and serenity. When you choose to install a living wall, you:


Increase the esthetic and symbolic value of your space

People choose to install a living wall for two basic reasons: because of its beauty and because of the message it sends. Besides being esthetically very appealing, the garden is an efficient communication tool that tells the world that your activity or business cares about environmental sustainability.


Increase the comfort of your space

The installation of a living wall radically improves the comfort of your space. In fact, a living wall built with felt guarantees a remarkable level of sound absorption and regulates the levels of humidity present in the air.


Save on heating and cooling costs

An outdoor living wall significantly reduces thermal dispersion from the wall where it is installed, thereby reducing heating and cooling costs indoors. Outdoor living walls also guarantee a consistent reduction in temperature in the areas around them.


Protect biodiversity

In an urban setting, an outdoor living wall can provide an ecological niche where small birds and insects can take refuge without creating damage of any sort to the wall’s vegetation.


Breathe more easily

Come noto, le piante assorbono l’anidride carbonica ed emettono ossigeno. Hanno inoltre la straordinaria capacità di ridurre le sostanze chimiche nocive e le polveri sottili presenti nell’aria. Con una densità così elevate di piante al metro quadro, un Giardino Verticale è dunque un vero e proprio strumento di purificazione dell’aria, che ci aiuta a respirare meglio.


Smile more

The correlation between exposure to plants and a decrease in stress and a consequent increase in wellbeing and productivity has been scientifically proven.


Scientific evidence

We are happy to provide the scientific evidence that we’ve collected during our years of collaboration with various research organizations.